9 things you should know about walking as exercise

Did you know that walking is good exercise, but it doesn’t fit into your schedule?

Or maybe you started the routine but got tired halfway through?

You may miss a lot!

There are many health benefits that come from walking for exercise. It is known as a remedy for ailments, strengthens muscles and improves metabolism.
Said to achieve the best results. You should walk for at least 40 minutes a day, five times a week. There are many things to know about this kind of exercise. Here are some examples…

9 things you should know about walking for exercise:

•Brisk Walking Burns Calories – Depending on a person’s speed and weight, he can burn extra calories by doing this exercise for 30 minutes or more a day. For example, if a normal person weighing 125 pounds walks for 30 minutes at a pace of 3.5 miles per hour, that person burns his 108 calories. A 200-pound person doing the same routine at the same speed and time would lose 172 calories. • Control Blood Pressure – University studies have shown that walking is effective in lowering systolic blood pressure. A person who does the routine he 3 days a week helps lower systolic blood pressure by 5 points.

• Improves memory – One of the benefits of this type of exercise is improved memory. Many studies have found that with age, a part of the brain called the hippocampus begins to shrink, leading to forgetfulness and memory loss.Walking improves memory by increasing the capacity of the hippocampus. • Reduce Hip and Limb Fractures – Weight-bearing exercises that help build bone density, especially in the hips and lower back. As you get older, this exercise reduces your risk of hip and limb fractures.

• Relieves Depression – Walking for physical activity alerts the release of happiness-related chemicals in the brain and raises body temperature to calm the mind. This exercise is distracting, promotes social interaction, and can be a relaxation therapy.

• Management of type 2 diabetes – Physical activity is said to be necessary to manage type 2 diabetes. The habit of walking along with a diet helps diabetics by lowering absolute hemoglobin, improving insulin sensitivity, and improving blood sugar control.

• Good for the Immune System – Studies have shown that this type of exercise helps our body’s immune system by fighting off viral illnesses such as the flu and colds. A moderate habit of 30 to 40 minutes a day is said to increase the immune boosters present in the body.

• Increase Endurance – Doing this type of exercise routine improves endurance and lung air intake. It also strengthens the heart, boosts energy levels, adds strength to the legs and leads to an active lifestyle. • Minimize Heart Attack Risk – A brisk walk reduces the risk of heart disease. Studies show that walking 1.5 miles a day halves the risk of getting sick compared to those who don’t.

We recommend that you consult your doctor first to see if you can do regular exercise and if it’s right for you. Walking as an exercise does not require expensive equipment. All you need is the right shoes, comfortable socks and clothes – and a determination to make your life better!