This will train your back muscles!

Your back has 140 muscles that connect it to the rest of your body. This makes your back a central component of your overall health and strength.

If you want to feel strong and train effectively, you need to start with a strong core and correct posture. This also reduces the stress on the body that causes chronic back, neck, shoulder and even body pain.

Use these exercises, stretches, and good habit tips to tone your back muscles and feel like a new, fitter person.

start with posture
Most of us work at desks all day, drive to work, sit at home in front of the TV or socialize online…it’s more sedentary and gives us more opportunities to unwind.

Misaligned back muscles put pressure on internal organs, joints, and connecting muscles.

Recognizing bad posture habits is the first step to understanding the importance of your back. It can affect your whole body in the long run, as it can lead to arthritis and chronic back pain. So remember to keep your back straight whether you’re sitting, standing, or lying down. This will help you with the following exercises and stretches.

Finding the right physical therapist can also help improve posture through back pain assessment.However, not all treatments are the same. Check out the details here to find the right help you need. stretch
You may think that stretching only helps with back pain, but it can also prevent it. It keeps your back flexible and strengthens your back while helping you with everyday activities like bending, lifting and reaching.

Try these stretches to keep your back supple.

lying waist twist
Lay down on your back on a mat. Grasp your left knee with your right hand and pull your lower body down to the floor. Keep your opposite arm straight and extend it perpendicular to your back. Your shoulders should still be touching the floor. Turn your head to look at your opposite arm.

Hold the stretch for 20 seconds while focusing on the pain in your lower right back. Then slowly return to the center. Repeat the exercise with your left arm and right knee.

knee to chest
In this stretch, you use your legs to stretch the muscles in your lower back. It also pulls the pelvis away from the muscles and gives it room to breathe.

Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor. Use both hands to pull one knee toward your chest. You can rest your head flat on the floor or bring your forehead closer to your knees for a deeper stretch.

He holds for 20 seconds before switching knees. Repeat as necessary.

cobra stretch
You may have seen this stretch in your yoga class. This pose is amazingly effective for mid-back pain while strengthening the abdomen, shoulders, neck and, of course, the entire back. Lie on your stomach with your palms close to your ribs. Slowly use your arms to push your chest up as you lift your head toward the ceiling.

Slowly arch your back until it is comfortable. Extend your arms as far as possible as you rise into your comfort zone. Hold for as long as you like without pain. exercises
Stretching prepares your back for more intense movement. Stretching increases flexibility, but back exercises provide more strength through bulking.

Use these exercises to build your back muscles.

lift the leg to the side
Since your back is supported by your pelvis, you can stabilize your back muscles by strengthening your lower back.

Lie on your side with your forearms bent and rest your head on your palms. Keep your legs straight and your hips in line with your torso.

Slowly lift your feet about 1 foot off the floor. Try to keep your stomach tight and your legs straight. Hold your leg in the air for a few seconds, then slowly return it to the floor.

Repeat as often as necessary until you feel your leg no longer lift. Switch to the other side and repeat.

superman hold
This exercise relieves upper back pain and strengthens the muscles along the spine. This improves your posture and builds a stronger core along your spine and pelvis. Lie on your stomach with your arms extended. Keep your feet together and straight.

Raise his arms while keeping his head on the floor. At the same time, slowly raise your leg. Raise your limbs as high as you are comfortable. Arch your back slightly by lifting your chest and eventually lifting your belly off the floor.

Hold this position for a few seconds and release. Repeat the exercise as many times as you like.

plank arm raise
Shoulder pain is a direct cause of weak back muscles. Strengthening the shoulder blades and the muscles between them will improve your upper back posture.

Lie on your stomach and extend your arms to lift your body into a plank position. Your arms should be straight and your elbows should be fixed. And keep your hands in line with your shoulders. You should stand on your toes with your feet hip-width apart.

Raise each arm toward your chest, keeping your elbows close to your ribs. Alternately move each arm up and down back to the floor.

At a time he does 8-10 repetitions, taking a deep breath in and out as he goes up and down.

Strong back muscles prevent injuries and illnesses
Strong back muscles can protect your whole body from damage. Good posture softens the internal organs, improves blood circulation, and increases flexibility.