5 coronavirus safety tips to protect yourself

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, homeowners around the world are trying to keep their homes as clean as possible. Luckily, you can keep most viruses out of your home by following a few simple steps. This article provides some simple security tips to help you reach that goal.

1. Consider Personal Hygiene

The first step in protecting yourself from coronavirus is washing your hands as often as possible. According to WHO recommendations, you should wash your hands with soap and water for at least 40 seconds. Alternatively, he can rub his hands for 30 minutes with an alcohol-based solution.

It is important to consider other types of personal hygiene. The idea is to stick to your routine, like wearing clean clothes and showering daily.

2. Sanitize frequently used surfaces

High-traffic areas such as kitchen counters, tables, and bathrooms should also be disinfected. Always use a suitable disinfectant after major uses. Ideally, cleaning a large surface will help keep it protected from germs.

If you kill time, germs can spread much faster and infect others.For best results, it is recommended to choose a specific type of disinfectant. Don’t use cheap products as they won’t work.

3. Don’t waste time doing laundry

“I don’t know how the virus survives on fabrics, but you should wash your clothes as soon as you take them off. not. The idea is to prevent the virus from spreading.

4. Know how to handle food well

The virus cannot be spread through food, but it can be spread if food is not handled properly. So what you need to do is throw away the food you no longer need.

Remember to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds before eating. For raw meat, you can try a cutting board and clean it after each use.

It’s a good idea to put the cooked food on several clean plates and avoid eating food in the process.

5. Empty the Recycle Bin Often

Luckily, litter can be an ideal breeding ground for many types of microbes. So be careful when throwing things away. Some of these things can also become infected and contaminate trash cans.

So you can either empty the bin before going to bed or move far from home. Also, do not use vinyl gloves. You can protect your hands, but you can spread germs to other users. So, if you follow these tips, you can protect yourself from coronavirus. Hope it helps.