cardio fitness for seniors

It is important to understand the pressure that obesity and lack of exercise put on the heart and lungs. Both she relates to people over 70 years old. A lot of people tend to relax, eat more, and get into table games and, like me, computers. Sitting for hours is very unhealthy and one day an inner voice told me to go to the gym.

This inner voice is familiar to me because of my reincarnation memory and connection with the universal spirit, the true God. It gave me a job, so I spent hours at the computer.For the past 30 years, exercise has included gardening and walking in addition to household chores.

My order came and my local gym for women welcomed me with open arms. There are PT courses that include: It’s held twice a week and is basically a lot of fun. Exercises are simple and include small weights, steps, and ball movements (throws, catches, etc.) for 45 minutes. Sometimes there are also moves like square dancing that help with balance. Stretching and tensing the muscles has become a routine for me.

On other days, the gym offers all sorts of equipment for those who want to exercise.Many people use walkers and rowing machines, but for me the bike is a favorite. Other machines allow you to stretch your neck, back, and leg muscles, but this one also helps.

Building the muscles that were lost from years of inactivity is one of my accomplishments, and getting up off the ground when I fall is another. and I no longer fall at home.

That’s something older people should think about. Instead of sitting back and waiting for death to catch up, enjoy your exercise and show the world what you are made of. Another benefit for me was the great friends I made during training.