The best aerobic exercise for a fat-free life.

Studies show that exercising for at least 30 minutes five days a week gives the best results. The problem is that if your heart rate is raised to an age-appropriate level and maintained at that level for most of your workout time, your workout can cover a wide range of activities.

What kind of aerobic exercise should I do?

That’s the fun part – pretty much anything as long as it’s safe and meets the criteria for getting your heart rate up. On other days, I attend folk dance classes. Even the simplest routines are very effective. Doing power walks and just pumping your arms at a moderate pace will have less of an impact on shedding excess fat from your body. It’s important to keep boredom at bay and keep trying little by little. For these reasons, I advocate physical and fun classes and new hobbies. Some ideas include:

go cycling
all kinds of dance
to ski
water skiing

The possibilities are literally endless. Half the joy comes from learning new skills. This will boost your newfound confidence. Ideally, he recommends splitting his workout routine into four or five sessions of her, devoting one or two each week to a new hobby or sport. Create a fitness plan for 4 weeks of training in your diary. That’s how long it takes for our bodies to actually absorb and feel the benefits of a healthy new habit.

Create a comment section to document how your training session went. This is where you can really work to boost your motivation, using self-praise where appropriate and paying close attention to how you felt during the session.

Is It was fun? Easier than last time? A little less than expected? Write it all down and we’ll see how it progresses in the coming weeks. You can also create an area where you can suggest changes yourself or write down specific exercises that have actually worked.

Remember that it’s all about taking responsibility for your body, and the more you do it, the more motivated you will be to do what’s right for you.