The truth about why we need this COVID-19 treatment now!

We learnt from Sir Patrick Vallance, the government’s Chief Scientific Adviser that Coronavirus will probably never disappear and a vaccine won’t stop it completely. He also said that ministers and experts should stop ‘over-promising’ and be realistic about the prospects of a vaccine and the likely timeline of one, unlikely before spring next year.

He then echoed his earlier warnings and those of his colleague Professor Chris Whitty that the COVID-19 fight will be a long one, and it will be with us for good.

So, from this should we assume there is no ‘silver bullet’ for COVID-19 infections?

What if there were a single treatment that:

could stop the infection in its tracks,
was anti-inflammatory; controlling the immune system’s response to the infection and stopping it from overreacting dangerously,
in cases where patients developed secondary bacterial infections in the lungs could supercharge antibiotics; boosting their efficacy and eve,
was a repurposed drug; already proven as safe
was easy to make, scalable at the level required to make a difference in the pandemic and was cost effective, then wouldn’t that be something we should all be getting excited about? Surely there is no such game-changing “silver bullet” therapy? After all, the only cure we hear about COVID is the one adopted by President Trump and is very Expensive, experimental, or very narrowly applied to specific aspects of the disease.
Well, you first heard it here – such a ‘silver bullet’ treatment exists today. Its active ingredients have been safely used in medicines to treat unrelated diseases for over 30 years. After a decade of research into difficult-to-treat drug-resistant infections, including inflammation associated with complex chest infections and the pulmonary disease cystic fibrosis (CF), NovaBiotics has identified the potential for Nylexa in COVID-19. I have found an advantage. In March they applied for his £1 million grant from Innovate UK (which represents the government) and started clinical trials. That grant was finally awarded earlier this month and the government is now considering whether to include her Nylexa in two separate NHS platform trials.

But why, if this is so good, have I never heard of it? Why don’t the government and media shout this from above? Why would a doctor desperate to find an effective treatment for his patient not demand this?

It’s scary to say that everything depends on money. Smaller biotech companies find it difficult to attract attention because they don’t have the resources available to their larger, well-financed competitors. The names we regularly see when it comes to groundbreaking new therapies are always the large multinational pharmaceutical companies with deep pockets and large budgets to promote their own specialty products. They make sure their medicine gets the attention they deserve. NovaBiotics is a small privately held company funded by a group of loyal and supportive shareholders, so unfortunately it doesn’t have the resources to compete with and attract attention from larger companies.

That’s why this situation is so frustrating. By reducing the health impact of COVID-19 infection, Nylexa® increases public confidence in long-term coexistence with the virus and increases our chances of returning to a more normal way of life. , can have direct economic benefits in addition to the burden on the public. NHS and healthcare systems due to his COVID-19 around the world. But it is very difficult to get people in positions of influence to get the attention of everyone else competing for it.

Thousands of potential COVID-19 treatments are reportedly in clinical trials around the world. I would challenge anyone to show me something that could have the same positive effect as Nylexa®, which despite its impeccable credibility is currently not part of the research. There is none. Now, British government and ministers, raise your finger and put this drug into clinical trials immediately. The sooner we test it, the sooner it can be used to clean up the chaos the pandemic has caused throughout our lives.

About NovaBiotics

NovaBiotics Ltd focuses on the design and development of best-in-class treatments for difficult and medically untreatable infections caused by bacterial, fungal, respiratory diseases such as cystic fibrosis and COVID-19 A clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on

As a leading anti-infective innovator, the company’s robust technology and business model are validated by the successful development of its most advanced product candidates from concept through late-stage clinical development. In addition to its flagship Nylexa® program and our other late-stage assets (Lynovex® for cystic fibrosis, NP213/Novexatin® for onychomycosis), NovaBiotics has NP339 (Department of Health and Human Services. social services-funded programs for resistant invasive fungal diseases) and NP432 for multidrug-resistant bacterial infections. About Nylexa®

Nylexa® is a new dual therapy candidate for antibiotics and immunomodulators. It is a simple small molecule with broad antibacterial effects by directly targeting microorganisms and modulating the body’s ability to control infections. Importantly, Nylexa’s active ingredients play a key role in resolving infections and controlling inflammation, which NovaBiotics leveraged as a solution for his COVID-19.

For bacterial infections, Nylexa could be a solution to an even bigger public health challenge than his COVID-19.
The growing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) crisis. Because Nylexa’s active ingredients have been reused and used in medicines for other unrelated diseases for over 30 years, it could be introduced into clinical practice in a much shorter timeframe than new antibiotic treatments developed from scratch. There is a nature. Simply put, Nylexa® potentiates existing antibiotics against bacterial infections, especially drug-resistant strains.